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Built-in functions

Here there's a list of functions that come with Formula-Script. In case you don't want to have any of these functions available you can remove them from the registry.

ABSAbsolute value of a numberABS(number)
AVGReturns the average of a sampleAVG(number+)
CHOOSESelects a value of a sampleCHOOSE(number+)
RANDOMReturns a random number between the arguments passedRANDOM(min : number, max : number)
SUMReturns the sum of all argumentsSUM(number+)
MAXReturns the greatest number of all argumentsMAX(number+)
MINReturns the lowest number of all argumentsMIN(number+)
IFSpecifies a logical test to be performedIF(test : boolean, trueCase : any, falseCase : any)
ROUNDRounds a number to a predefined accuracyROUND(number : number, decimals : number)
MEDIANReturns the median of a given sampleMEDIAN(number+)
MODEReturns the most common value in a sampleMODE(number+)
SQRTReturns the square root of a numberSQRT(number)
POWReturns a base raised to the powerPOW(base : number, power : number)
STRConverts a value to a stringSTR(value : any)
NUMConverts a value to a numberNUM(value : string | boolean | number)
BOOLConverts a value to a booleanBOOL(value : string | number)
DATEProvides an internal number for the date givenDATE(year : number, month : number, day : number)
TODAYReturns the current date of the computerTODAY()
DAYReturns the sequential date of the month as an integer (1-31)DAY(date)
YEARReturns the year of a date value as integerYEAR(date)
MONTHDetermines the sequential number of a month per year (1-12)MONTH(date)
CONCATCombines several items into oneCONCAT(any+)